Wednesday, September 30, 2015

No image said more about the relief Americans felt at the end of World War II than this classic image of a sailor sweeping a nurse into his arms for a kiss when hearing the war had ended.

This picture onee of my favorites. It shows evrything anyone ever wanted at that time. Happiness, joy, relief, and love. During the war, everyone wanted those thngs and now that it finally came, what better way to kiss some random nurse. This photo just makes me happy to know that there is always love out there.
Thousands of whites descended on an Indiana park to hang a pair of black men accused of raping a white woman. The image is a shocking reminder of how recently something like this could happen in the U.S.

This horiffic picture really tells us a lot about our country. Yes, some people may argue that it happened a long time ago, but if we put it in perspective, it really isn't that long ago. When i read the paragraph above, i felt sick. Not because they hung the men, but because they didnt even have solid evidence that they did it, they just accused them. The worst part of this picture is the fact that some people are actually happy they died. That just makes me sick.
The final album recorded by The Beatles before their breakup, the cover of Abbey Road featured a shot of the four men crossing the road almost in lock-step, except for Paul McCartney, whose off-balance stride spurred the urban legend that he was dead.

                             This photo really does make us think a little. Yes there is a lot of thoughts behind this wonderful picture, but sometimes we over think a lot of things. As Sigmund Freud said once, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." This quote tells us that maybe a picture is just a picture and we're just over thinking all of this. When i see this photo, I just remember all those good times that the Beatles had togehter and how they made a huge impact in this world. This, I believe, is what i think about this amazing photogragh.

Monday, September 21, 2015

This quote means a lot to not nly me but everyone else because we've all lost someone we love. But that doesn't mean we just stop learning from them. We find out more than we knew when they were alive because their friends tell us how they were, loving, kind, and funny. We can only continue to learn about them. That's why i believe this quote means a lot, not just to me but to everyone out there.